Diaper Bank Request Form
- If you have received assistance from the diaper bank before, you are on the correct page. A form is required each month you are in need of assistance during your eligibility period. Please scroll down to the returning client form below.
- If you are seeking assistance from our diaper bank — please go to our WAIT LIST page. Please do NOT fill out the form below.
- If you are a representative from an organization and wish to make a request on behalf of a client(s), please first visit the ORGANIZATION REFERRAL page.
For general information about our diaper bank and what to expect, please see our DIAPER BANK FAQ page.
PLEASE NOTE: Our diaper bank is located in Newbury Park, California, and clients will need to be able to pick up their diapers in Newbury Park or make arrangements for someone to pick up on their behalf.
For returning clients only, the ordering time frames for each month are below.
- We allow one request per month per eligible child. (Different parents are not eligible to submit a request for a child already receiving support from the diaper bank. This is grounds for disqualification.)
- Please do not submit multiple monthly requests or it could lead to disqualification from the diaper bank.
- Please do not email us order requests. We only process diaper requests through the monthly ordering form below during the designated time frame for each month.
Ordering for each month now is, as follows (please note holiday months):
For February: Jan. 31-Feb. 25
For March: Feb. 28-March 25 For April: March 31-April 25 For May: April 30-May 25 |
For June: May 26-June 10
For July: June 30-July 25 For August: July 31-Aug. 25 For September: Aug. 31-Sept. 25 |
For October: Sept. 30-Oct. 25
For November: Oct. 31-Nov. 22 For December: Nov. 30-Dec. 20 For January: Dec. 31- January 25 |
The September form will be available between
Aug. 31 and Sept. 25, 2024.