Thanksgiving 2015
Update: Our 2015 Community Thanksgiving was a success. What an incredible community. You all banded together to do something huge. With your support, we fed 15 families for Thanksgiving, and two were large families and received two turkeys each. Three families who have a child with cancer, or a child who recently beat cancer. Two homeless families were taken in by local families and we provided the food to facilitate that invitation. A mother of eight who adopted five of her children. Single moms. Families who just needed a boost.
We learned some lessons, and improved upon some things. We will do bigger and better next year. Thank you, all of you who donated and volunteered, for all of the effort you made to be a part of this. The outpouring of generosity was incredible and we had enough money and ingredients to support every family nominated. Additional funds were used for our overhead expenses. Conejo Community Thanksgiving will be an event we do each year. This was only the beginning. Look for us soon as we will announce other endeavors. To complete this event, we will be raffling off prizes for those who generously donated funds or food and posting the winners shortly. Thank you all for your time, effort, and support. |